Thursday, April 12, 2012

TIme to Meet

After a restless night's sleep, we are up now and about to meet our kids for the first time. I'm sitting here thinking of other first times that I have been nervous or excited about. The first time I saw the ocean I was in my twenties and I was so excited that they blindfolded me and I didnt see it until I felt it on my toes. The first time I saw my children was one of the few times in my life that I cried at the miracle God gave us. My first sermon was more along the terrifying scale, even though it was a church with only 9 regular weekly attenders (my family there doubled attendance). All of these felt similar, excited, nervous, filled with anticipation. None of these come close to what I feel right now.

It is 7:30 here in Addis, and in one hour I will meet my two children. For most parents that statement doesn't make sense. What will they think of us? What if they don't like us? How much will we be able to communicate? What will we talk about with the little communication we do get across? And there is some excitement, but the more I sit here and think, the more the thorns of worry come up to choke it out.

This is probably what Jesus meant when He gave us the command "Do not worry". I have to remind myself this because it was Him who has brought us this far. This was His idea in the first place and He is full of good ideas. "I know the plans I have for you", he says, "plans not to harm you, but prosper you and give you hope and a future".

So that is my prayer this morning. not they they like us, it goes smoothly, we can miraculously speak amharic in an hour, but that I do not worry. Because there is joy in the rest of that stuff; in all the trials and troubles of anything, there is joy. And after there is even more because of them. How many times in the little things do I miss the joy my Father has for me because I waste time worrying?

So it comes down to this, do we, do I trust God? His plan for me? Do I really believe it is better than any I could cook up? It only takes a quick second of reflection on all of my blunders to answer that. And once again I am faced with the comforting truth that Father knows best.


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